Show all marketing social_media communication stock typography design advertising basics

Criticism: The Key to Designer Success

Published: December 08, 2018
Tags: design basics

Criticism can be tough to deal with. However, any experienced designer will tell you the truth straight up: a designer that can't take criticism won't survive their first month of work, and that feedback is key to making the best product possible.

Understanding the Impression

Published: July 24, 2018
Tags: marketing advertising basics

If you want to be successful with your online advertising, you need to first understand how to read your results. There is a breathtaking amount of depth behind the metrics available to you, but in this article we’re going to focus on the basics. Boiled down to its most basic form, online metrics are focused around one essential building block: the impression.

With Fonts, Less is More

Published: August 22, 2017
Tags: design stock typography

Fonts serve a myriad of functions in the design world; they draw attention, they create visual interest, and they carry with them an attitude–a kind of visual flavor that teases the eye’s palate into believing that those words mean something more. However, as with all good things, there is a such thing as too much contrast on the page.

Beware Free Fonts & Stock Material

Published: April 07, 2017
Tags: stock typography design

The internet is a wide world of anonymous opportunity—an excellent source of both shady and legitimate content. Whether you’re new to the wonderful world of graphic design or just like building hobby projects, there are a few important guidelines you should make sure you abide by.

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